Munich, May 31- June 2, 2017
Málaga, 7-8 June 2017
During the month of June, BSQ Solar was present in two important international events in the fields of photovoltaics and smart cities in Intersolar Europe in Munich and Greencities in Málaga.
Intersolar Europe is the world’s leading exhibition for the solar industry and its partners, and takes place annually at the Messe München exhibition center in Munich.
Since it was founded 25 years ago, Intersolar has become the most important industry platform for manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, service providers and partners in the solar industry.
This year, the event was held from May 31 to June 2, and it gathered a total of 1,100 exhibitors from 51 countries that presented different innovative solutions and products and attracted a total of 40,000 visitors. The visitors learned all there is to know about the challenges of efficient, safe and cost-effective integration of renewable energies, and the new business models which will emerge in the energy industry of the future.
BSQ presented its latest products. Our REPHLECT manufacturing paradigm arouse big interest, especially among visitors from developing countries which currently have the most vibrant PV markets. Our perception was that once these countries gain expertise in managing solar deployments they are becoming interested in getting into the upstream segments of the value chain and not only playing the roles of development or EPC as traditionally up to now. HCPV, and particularly BSQ’s, was understood by visitors as a path towards local PV production that is cost competitive and at the same time presents a much lower entry barrier in terms of the CAPEX required by its facilities. During the event our booth had visitors from Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Morocco, Madagascar, Libya, Egypt Turkey, Iran, Iraq, UAE, Saudi Arabia, India, China, Japan and almost all the EU countries.
Overall, Intersolar was a great event we had expected, with plenty of interesting contacts and help to increase the visibility of our REPHLECT concept, thus confirming the good move in its choice.
Last but not least, Intersolar was again a great opportunity to enjoy Munich and its traditional brew houses.
The other marketing and dissemination event of the month was the Greencities fair held in Málaga on 7-8th June for the 8th edition, at the Trade Fairs and Congress Center in Málaga.
Greencities is a meeting point for professionals, institutional representatives and companies to showcase their products, services and experiences among the agents involved in the development of smart cities, and in improving the quality of life of citizens.
Held this year on June 2nd to 3rd, the event gathered a total of 3.400 representatives of companies, institutions and administration, and professionals from 38 countries. Being a reference in the field of smart and efficient management of cities, the event was attended by 200 municipalities from around the world which resulted in 2500 scheduled meetings in its networking area.
BSQ Solar attended as one of the 140 exhibitors and introduced its HCPV technology, which due to its very high energy density and low installation footprint has important competitive advantages in urban PV installations, where it can compete with the frequently inefficient rooftop installations which are today the standard. This can facilitate the transition of present day cities to a sustainable all-electric energy model, including urban mobility, by increasing the efficiency in their exploitation of solar energy. Furthermore, this can be implemented resorting to the REPHLECT manufacturing model whose distributed approach based on its network of SPCs (Satellite Production Centers) can be easily and beneficially integrated in urban environments.