Solar8 Energy is a German photovoltaic solar power plant developer and operator. They own and operate large-scale photovoltaic plants in Italy, and several among these are based on HCPV technology that benefit from Italy’s HCPV-specific FIT.
In a 900kW CPV plant they operate close to Taranto. Its original CPV module technology was found to perform poorly and Solar8 contracted BSQ to replace these modules by its BSQ D280 module.
The BSQ HCPV modules have easily been adapted to the plant’s sun trackers, an Az.-El. Multi-secondary axis carrousel designed and manufactured by Solar8. This tracking approach confers the plant a very low profile, with low landscape impact and that eases installation and maintenance of modules.
It is a good example of the integration of BSQ Solar modules with trackers from manufacturers other than BSQ Solar